Out-of-State Clients
People visit Corvallis because of Oregon State University, the Oregon Coast, and the host of business and recreational opportunities we offer. Some visitors are arrested and charged with crime, usually related to alcohol. Out-of-state clients need guidance on what will happen here and what will happen in their home state. It requires coordination between our state court and DMV and your home state court and DMV. You need to know what will happen with your driver license here and in your home state. You need to defend criminal charges here and coordinate compliance in your home state.
That’s our job. We’ve represented clients from the majority of states on many matters over many years. We explain the interplay between the laws of our state and the laws of your state. We handle the criminal charges here and tell you how to meet requirements in your state. We attend your court appearances here and help coordinate compliance in your state. You often need never return here for court.
“We smooth out difficulties, relieve stress, correct mistakes, and take up other men’s burdens. We make possible the peaceful life for men in a peaceful state.”
– J.W. Davis